Welcome to the web page of the Finnish Saluki Club!
The Finnish Saluki Club was established in 1987. Today it is the official breed organization for Saluki in Finland with over 400 members. The main purpose of the Saluki Club is to promote and guide the breeding with salukis as well as inform about the breed and interact with its members. The Saluki Club publish its own Saluki magazine, organizes Saluki Specialities and other activities.
To contact the Saluki Club please use the following emails:
Board: hallitus@saluki.fi
Chairman: puheenjohtaja@saluki.fi
Secretary: sihteeri@saluki.fi
Breeding Committee: jalostustoimikunta@saluki.fi
Interested in Finnish salukis
The official database of the Finnish Kennel Club KoiraNet (in English here LINK) is the best place to look for information on the Finnish saluki population. The database contains among others information on the litters born/registered, health information, results from trials and dog shows and different kind of statistics.
The Finnish Saluki Club recommends that all salukis used for breeding have their eyes and hearts (cardiac examinations ) checked in official examinations (please see here LINK for further information on these checks). The official database contains cardiac examinations as from the year 2015, results of older cardiac examinations can be found at this (LINK)
You can find a list of the Finnish Saluki breeders from here (LINK) and the published breeding plans here (LINK), matings here (LINK)and born litters here (LINK)
Interested in entering a dog show in Finland?
Information on how to enter a dog show in Finland can easily be found from here (LINK). You can enter most of the shows via web services among others here (LINK)
Interested in lure-coursing or racing in Finland?
For information please visit here (LINK)
Requirements for travelling to Finland with a dog
Within EU (and from Norway and Switzerland): (LINK)
Outside EU: (LINK)